Andrew Chan


Fast LLM Inference From Scratch

Pushing single-GPU inference throughput to the edge without libraries

This post is about building an LLM inference engine using C++ and CUDA from scratch without libraries.

Why? In doing so, we can learn about the full stack of LLM inference - which is becoming increasingly importantEspecially as inference compute becomes a new axis with which AI models scale, and models are increasingly deployed locally to devices on the edge. - from CUDA kernels to model architecture, and get a real sense of how different optimizations affect inference speed. And one of the most important use cases is running fast on a single prompt on consumer devices.

That's what we'll focus on: building a program that can load weights of common open models and do single-batch inference on them on a single CPU + GPU server, and iteratively improving the token throughput until it surpasses llama.cpp. Readers should have basic familiarity with large language models, attention, and transformers. The full source code is available on GitHub: yalm (Yet Another Language Model).


1. Recap: LLM architectures and inference

Let's recap how LLMs work, starting with their architecture and then moving onto inference mechanics. This will provide a starting point for an optimized implementation and help us establish benchmarks.

AlmostThere are also state-space models like Mamba which purport to be more efficient and scalable to long sequences than transformers, but they don't appear to have found much success outside of niches like low-power ML and non-discrete data domains like audio/video. every major open-weights LLM uses the same architectureTo the point where new foundation models explicitly state that they use a "standard architecture", with the value added being the training. This has led to some misunderstandings, see for instance (sequential transformer blocks), with some minor variations/innovations since GPT-2:

Loading models from different architectures is thus essentially defining a customizable transformer block class, then creating a sequence of these configured with the right bells and whistles and initializing them with the safetensors weights. This article will focus on just one architecture - Mistral v0.2 - but if you're curious you can read how llama.cpp adds support for new models.

1.1 Inference overview

At a high level, inference looks like the C++ pseudocode below:


void generate(Model& model, std::string prompt, int steps) {
  std::vector<int> encoded = tokenizer.encode(prompt);
  InferenceState s(model);
  // 1. Prefill step: Forward the model on each prompt token, discarding 
  // the output. This lets the model read the prompt and hydrates the KV 
  // cache.
  for (int token : encoded) {
    model.forward(s, token);
  // 2. Decode step: Forward the model repeatedly, generating 1 token at a time.
  for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
    model.forward(s, encoded.back());
    int next_token = sampler.sample(s.logits);
    std::cout << tokenizer.decode_one(next_token) << std::flush;
    if (next_token == tokenizer.EOS) {

We can start to see differences between training and inference immediately. Inference - at least the local kind that we care about - is usually single batch. For prompt completion and use cases like generating essays, the “decode phase” takes up the majority of execution and involves computing attention between the past context and just a single token (or query timestep).

The prefill step is more similar to training in that we're given a complete sequence to attend over, but more on that later. In chatbots there's also an “append” step when passing the model additional user messages which is like prefill, but I won't talk about that in this article as our implementation will support only completions.

The model forward pass looks like so:


// InferenceState is the minimum set of buffers needed to
// hold state during the forward pass and exists to avoid
// extra allocations
void Model::forward(InferenceState& s, int token) {
  // The embedding table maps token IDs to embedding vectors,
  // which are copied into a buffer of the inference state
  s.x = copy_embedding(token, this->token_embedding_table);
  // Models consist of a sequence of transformer blocks which
  // mutate the inference state in order
  for (Block& b : this->blocks) {
  // Usually there is a layer norm right before the final classifier
  s.x = layernorm(s.x, this->lm_head_prenorm_weights);
  // Typically we end with a linear transform from (dim) -> (vocab_size)
  s.logits = linear(s.x, this->lm_head_classifier_weights); 

void Block::block(InferenceState& s) {
  s.x_resid = layernorm(s.x, this->att_prenorm_weights);
  // Multi-head attention typically includes: 
  // 1. RoPE on input (element-wise mutation w/ sines/cosines)
  // 2. QKV matmuls and updating the KV cache
  // 3. Causal self-attention, softmax, and value mixing
  // 4. Projection back into the residual stream
  s.x_resid = multi_head_attn(
  s.x += s.x_resid;
  s.x_resid = layernorm(s.x, this->ffn_prenorm_weights);
  // On modern architectures like Llama, this is a GLU feedforward 
  // with 3 linear transforms, not a simple MLP:
  // -> w2(F.silu(w1(x)) * w3(x))
  // Some architectures also split the FFN into a mixture of experts.
  s.x_resid = ffn(s.x_resid, this->w1, this->w2, this->w3);
  s.x += s.x_resid;

This should look roughly familiar, if expressed a bit more low-level in typical C++ fashion.

The main thing worth noting is that unlike training, inference can use a KV cache to store past keys and values for each block. We keep things simple and implement this as a simple ring buffer (known as sliding window attention in the literature), which is sufficient to support exact attention up to some maximum context length. Some exact attention implementations like PagedAttention use more complex KV caches to improve aspects like memory footprint.

1.2 Bottlenecks and benchmarks

Now we are ready to discuss bottlenecks and benchmarks. First, a fact: inference is memory-bandwidth-bound on modern hardware. For more, see this excellent blog post by Arseny Kapoulkine, but the gist of it is:

This is why model quantization is so effective at improving inference speed. It's not just allowing the hardware to use faster instructions (which is sometimes true), but also shrinking the input that we need to fit through the bandwidth bottleneck.

We can use bandwidth to establish a theoretical “speed of light”, or the max token throughput we can achieve. On my machine with an AMD EPYC 7702P and RTX 4090:

Note that how close we can actually come to the theoretical bounds varies a bit depending on the hardware. We fortunately have a few popular inference engines that we can look at to set more realistic targets. On my machineUnfortunately I wasn't able to test calm CPU as my machine doesn't support the extensions needed for it to compile. using Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 in FP16 with 4k context I'm able to get:

Program Avg. throughput (~120 tokens) Avg. throughput (~4800 tokens)
llama.cpp, CPUWith number of threads tuned. 8.7 tok/s 7.6 tok/s
huggingface transformers, GPUSee appendix for benchmark code. For some reason, this was the highest variance of all. Shown are a best of 3 run. 25.9 tok/s 25.7 tok/s
llama.cpp, GPU 61.0 tok/s 58.8 tok/s
calm, GPU 66.0 tok/s 65.7 tok/s

2. Inference on the CPU

We begin with a naive implementation on CPU (the code is available here). It's a straightforward single-threaded implementation with a 4k KV cache that only supports FP32 weights and no explicit SIMD of any kind. It achieves a blazing fast throughput of 0.6 tok/s. Here's what that looks like:

2.1 Multithreading

The first optimization step we can do is to begin parallelizing our code on the thread level. Equipped with our handy OpenMP pragmas, we go hunting for embarrassingly parallel opportunities. We'll optimize the same spots as llama2.c, and I'll go over each one to show the improvement.

First, adding a single line of code parallelizes our widely matrix-vector multiplication function so that each thread handles a row of the output:

static void matmul(float* xout, float* x, float* w, int n, int d) {
  // W (d,n) @ x (n,) -> xout (d,)
  int i;
#pragma omp parallel for private(i)
  for (i = 0; i < d; i++) {
    float val = 0.0f;
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      val += w[i * n + j] * x[j];
    xout[i] = val;

This is a big improvement that takes us to 4.2 tok/s with a bit of tuning to find the right number of threads:

Next, we can parallelize our multi-head attention computation (code here) so that each thread gets an attention head to compute. This is a less immediately clear improvement, but gets us to 4.4 tok/s for short context generations, and likely much better for long contexts.

2.2 Weight quantization and SIMD

The next potential opportunity is to use SIMD. The EPYC 7702P CPU supports AVX and AVX2, which let us work with 256-bit vectors of 8 packed float32 values at a time. In our ubiquitous matmul function, we could try loading, multiplying, and accumulating 8 values at a time in the inner loop, which would let each thread finish its row-column dot product up to 8 times faster!

Unfortunately, inspecting our compiled code via objdump reveals that matmul is in fact already using AVX instructions (notice vmovups) to perform a vectorized dot product in the case that the inputs are large enough. It seems GCC is too smart:

1f5:       c4 e3 7d 19 c1 01       vextractf128 xmm1,ymm0,0x1
1fb:       c5 f0 58 c0             vaddps xmm0,xmm1,xmm0
1ff:       c5 f8 12 c8             vmovhlps xmm1,xmm0,xmm0
203:       c5 f0 58 c8             vaddps xmm1,xmm1,xmm0
207:       c5 f0 c6 c1 55          vshufps xmm0,xmm1,xmm1,0x55
20c:       c5 f8 58 c1             vaddps xmm0,xmm0,xmm1

Let's turn to quantization. We won't explore the full gamut of quantized formats, since the goal of this article is to explore the breadth of optimizations, and we've chosen our benchmarks with fixed formats. Instead, we'll just quantize our weights to FP16, which is the bare minimum needed to get it loaded onto the RTX 4090 VRAM anyway.

One hiccup is that many CPUs do not support native float16 math. But barring that, we'd like to keep our calculations in float32 as much as possible anyway to mitigate effects on accuracy, and we should be able to without trading off performance as long as bandwidth remains a bottleneck.

So instead we leverage the fact that many CPUs do still support converting float16 values to float32 via the F16C x86 extension (which has been well-supported for over a decade now) to load float16 weights and convert them to float32 just-in-time for calculations. Among other things, this requires us to explicitly vectorize the loads in our matmul function from before because GCC doesn't know how to handle the half-precision arrays:

// F16C code technically operates on 16-bit unsigned short integers
typedef uint16_t f16_t;

// matmul supporting float16 weights via the F16C extension, which allows
// conversion into float32 values before calculations.
static void matmul(float* xout, float* x, f16_t* w, int n, int d) {
#if defined(__AVX2__) && defined(__F16C__)
  // W (d,n) @ x (n,) -> xout (d,)
  assert(n % 16 == 0);
  int i;
#pragma omp parallel for private(i)
  for (i = 0; i < d; i++) {
    // Vectorized dot product of w[i][:] and x[:] where w is a packed float16 array.
    __m256 sumlo = _mm256_setzero_ps();
    __m256 sumhi = _mm256_setzero_ps();
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j+=16) {
      // Extract the next set of 16 float16 weights from `w` and store them
      // to two separate float32 vectors of width 8 (`wveclo_ps`, `wvechi_ps`)
      __m256i wvec = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*)&w[i * n + j]);
      __m128i wveclo = _mm256_extractf128_si256(wvec, 0);
      __m128i wvechi = _mm256_extractf128_si256(wvec, 1);
      __m256 wveclo_ps = _mm256_cvtph_ps(wveclo);
      __m256 wvechi_ps = _mm256_cvtph_ps(wvechi);
      // Extract the next two float32 vectors of width 8 `xveclo`, `xvechi` from `x`
      __m256 xveclo = _mm256_loadu_ps(&x[j]);
      __m256 xvechi = _mm256_loadu_ps(&x[j + 8]);
      // Compute vectorized FMAs: sumlo += wveclo * xveclo, sumhi += wvechi * xvechi
      sumlo = _mm256_fmadd_ps(wveclo_ps, xveclo, sumlo);
      sumhi = _mm256_fmadd_ps(wvechi_ps, xvechi, sumhi);
    // Horizontally reduce width-8 float32 vectors sumlo, sumhi to a scalar.
    __m256 sum8 = _mm256_add_ps(sumlo, sumhi);              // sum8[0:8] = sumlo[0:8] + sumhi[0:8]
    __m128 sum4 = _mm_add_ps(                               // sum4[0:4] = sum8[0:4] + sum8[4:8]
      _mm256_extractf128_ps(sum8, 0), 
      _mm256_extractf128_ps(sum8, 1)
    __m128 sum1 = _mm_dp_ps(sum4, _mm_set1_ps(1.0f), 0xf1); // sum1[0] = dot(sum4, [1,1,1,1])
    xout[i] = _mm_cvtss_f32(sum1);
  assert(false && "float16 not supported on this platform");

The resulting implementation does not yield any difference in perplexity for short texts. It's also nearly twice as fast at 8.2-8.4 tok/s:

3. Inference on the GPU

Having quantized our model to half its size, we can now load it onto our RTX 4090 and begin a GPU inference implementation. Remember our rules: raw C++/CUDA only, no CUTLASS, cuBLAS, cuDNN, or other libraries.

If you haven't seen CUDA code before, see An Easy Introduction to CUDA C and C++ for a good intro. At a high level, CUDA allows you to execute a C++ function (”kernel”) on the GPU in parallel over a grid of threads where:

3.1 A naive port to CUDA

A first, naive implementation in 270 lines of C++/CUDA attempts to translate our CPU operations 1-1 to kernels, with some extra kernels for things like vector additions. So we end up with a fairly long list of kernels, but more importantly, host C++ code in our GPU backend which looks almost like our CPU backend, but with <<< . >>> attached to the function calls. For instance, here's the half of our block forward pass in our GPU backend where we pass the activations through a feedforward network before adding back as residuals:

// mix self.w2(F.silu(self.w1(x)) * self.w3(x))
// Note this is a feedforward with a GLU, not a simple MLP.
matmul<<<c.hidden_dim, WARP_SIZE>>>(
  w1(), s.xb(), c.dim, c.hidden_dim, s.hb()
matmul<<<c.hidden_dim, WARP_SIZE>>>(
  w3(), s.xb(), c.dim, c.hidden_dim, s.hb2()
  s.hb(), s.hb2(), s.hb()
matmul<<<c.dim, WARP_SIZE>>>(
  w2(), s.hb(), c.hidden_dim, c.dim, s.xb2()
// ffn residual back into x
  s.x(), s.xb2(), c.dim, s.x()

And the corresponding CPU code:

// mix self.w2(F.silu(self.w1(x)) * self.w3(x))
// Note this is a feedforward with a GLU, not a simple MLP.
matmul(s.hb(), s.xb(), w1<T>(), c.dim, c.hidden_dim);
matmul(s.hb2(), s.xb(), w3<T>(), c.dim, c.hidden_dim);
for (int i = 0; i < c.hidden_dim; ++i) {
  s.hb()[i] = gelu(s.hb()[i]) * s.hb2()[i];
matmul(s.xb2(), s.hb(), w2<T>(), c.hidden_dim, c.dim);
// residual connection back into x
for (int i = 0; i < c.dim; ++i) {
  s.x()[i] += s.xb2()[i];

This works because even though CUDA kernels are executed asynchronously, kernels on the same stream (or the default stream) will never execute concurrently; one starts only when the previous finishes all threads. So we just need to have our final kernel write to device-mapped memory on the host and perform a deviceSync at the end of the forward pass so that the output is available for sampling.

3.2 Better matmuls

An interesting deep dive here is our matmul kernel. We saw earlier that this function was a huge piece of runtime on the CPU, and optimizing it via OpenMP yielded huge wins. So let's make sure matmul is well-optimized before proceeding.

A naive implementation of matmul might look something like our OpenMP-parallelized CPU code, where we have each GPU thread handle computing 1 row (element) of the resulting vector:

void matmul(const float* A, const float* x, int n, int d, float* out) {
  // A (d,n) @ x (n,) -> out (d,)
  int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
  if (i >= d) return;
  float sum = 0.0;
  for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
    sum += A[n * i + j] * x[j];
  out[i] = sum;

/* usage */
>>>(A, x, n, d, out);

One big problem with this approach is that it will under-utilize our CUDA cores. Mistral-7B has a transformer input/output dimension of 4096, so if we're computing (for example) the last matmul before the output, we'll spin up 4096 threads. But an RTX 4090 can have 16384 simultaneous threads! Many of our cores will be sitting idle and we won't reach full FLOPs/s.

In addition to FLOPs, there's also memory load coalescing issues with this kernel - but more on that later. Suffice to say that substituting this kernel in for the one that we end up with leads to a throughput of 2.9 tok/s - slower than our CPU backend!

A better idea is to have one block per row. Threads within a block can efficiently cooperate, so we'll be able to leverage more threads to speed up computing the result for a single row. In this setup, each block will have exactly 1 warp (a smaller group of threads within a block which are a fundamental execution unit on the hardware, with their own cooperation primitives), then we'll use a warp-stride loop to sum across the entire row. At the end, we can perform a warp sum reduction to combine results from all threads:

inline float warp_reduce_sum(float val) {
  for (int offset = WARP_SIZE / 2; offset > 0; offset /= 2)
    val += __shfl_down_sync(0xffffffff, val, offset);

  return val;

inline float matmul_row(const float* row, const float* x, int offset, int dim) {
  float sum = 0.0;
  for (int j = offset; j < dim; j += WARP_SIZE) {
    float v = row[j] * x[j];
    sum += v;
  return warp_reduce_sum(sum);

void matmul(const float* A, const float* x, int n, int d, float* out) {
  // A (d,n) @ x (n,) -> out (d,)
  // PRECOND: Blocks are 1-D and same size as warp.
  int i = blockIdx.x;
  if (i >= d) return;
  int offset = threadIdx.x;
  float rowSum = matmul_row(&A[n * i], x, offset, n);
  if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
    out[i] = rowSum;

/* usage */
matmul<<<d, BLOCK_SIZE>>>(A, x, n, d, out);

We can adapt the above kernel to blocks with more than one warp (it's easiest to keep 1 warp per row) as well. I will leave this and the question of why that might be a good idea as an exercise for the reader. :)

This kernel has much better thread utilization and memory read coalescing. With it configured to 1 warp per block, even with the near-1-1 arrangement of functions to kernels, we get a throughput of 51.7 tok/s - pretty good performance for a preliminary implementation! That said, we still have a ways to go before catching up to llama.cpp or calm - what can we improve?

3.3 Fusing and even better matmuls

Profiling a generation with nsys shows a few interesting things. First, we see that our GPU is being used for nearly the entire generation time, despite the host-device syncs at the end of every forward pass. There are some gaps in the device thread, indicating occasional idle time, but they are on the order of microseconds, which means we aren't ever CPU-bound:

Second, we can see that 94.4% of our kernel executions are matrix multiplications:

This means that if we were to get rid of every other kernel, we'd at best run in 94.4% of our current time, which would take us from 51.7 tok/s to 54.8 tok/s throughput, which is not quite at our goal. So we still need to optimize our matrix multiplications.

That said, we can approximate getting rid of other kernels by fusing them together. In particular, there are a few kernels that we can fuse into the nearest matmul, and a few matmuls that we can fuse together. For example, we can fuse together matmul and add_residuals into a single fused_matmul_add_residuals that directly sums to the destination. The Mistral architecture also performs a gated sum of 2 matmuls at some point: F.silu(w1(x)) * w3(x) - and we can do all of this in one kernel as all operations have 1 thread write to 1 element of the output vector, and all have the same dimension output.

This can let us “blend” together 2 dependent operations. For the first example, add_residuals could not begin until all threads of matmul finished, which is problematic if individual threads of matmul take longer. Additionally we avoid one extra read and write from each thread to global memory.

For the curious, the full change is here. This takes us to 54.1 tok/s!

Now we can return to optimizing matmul. From profiling via ncu, matmul writes are not optimally coalesced. The relevant warning diagnostic is shown below:

    Section: Memory Workload Analysis
    --------------------------- ------------ ------------
    Metric Name                  Metric Unit Metric Value
    --------------------------- ------------ ------------
    Memory Throughput           Gbyte/second       533.22
    Mem Busy                               %        24.82
    Max Bandwidth                          %        90.26
    L1/TEX Hit Rate                        %        65.94
    L2 Compression Success Rate            %            0
    L2 Compression Ratio                                0
    L2 Hit Rate                            %         2.03
    Mem Pipes Busy                         %        28.33
    --------------------------- ------------ ------------

    Section: Memory Workload Analysis Tables
    ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    WRN   The memory access pattern for stores from L1TEX to L2 is not optimal. The granularity of an L1TEX request to  
          L2 is a 128 byte cache line. That is 4 consecutive 32-byte sectors per L2 request. However, this kernel only  
          accesses an average of 1.0 sectors out of the possible 4 sectors per cache line. Check the Source Counters    
          section for uncoalesced stores and try to minimize how many cache lines need to be accessed per memory        
    ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

At this point it's helpful to define what it means for a load or store to global memory to be coalesced in CUDA. When threads in the same warp issue loads or stores to global memory, the loads or stores can be grouped together and performed as a single transaction if they are appropriately aligned and refer to consecutive regions of memory (see the diagrams in this excellent SO post).

This is important because GPU global memory transactions can only be done at certain levels of granularity (32, 64, or 128 bytes). So if 32 threads in the same warp are reading or writing to distinct 4-byte floats, if the access is coalesced, a single transaction of 128 bytes will be performed, whereas if the access is not coalesced, 32 transactions of 32-bytes each may be performed, wasting a ton of bandwidth.

In our matmul kernel, reads are coalesced, but writes are not. We have 1 warp per block with each warp handling 1 output element, so we are issuing 1 write per block of minimum size 32 bytes but only updating a single 4-byte element. Increasing the number of warps per block does not help because coalescing is done at the warp level, not the block level.

Instead, we can have each warp compute their own result, but then collect all results into lanes of the first warp, then have the first warp issue a single coalesced write. The block-wide collection can be done fast through shared memory. The kernel:

__device__ inline float blocktranspose(float v, float def) {
  // Performs block-and-warp transpose operation:
  //   For a block containing K warps where lane 0 contains val_k,
  //   this function returns:
  //   - For warp 0, lane K: val_k
  //   - For all other warps and lanes: def
  int lane = threadIdx.x % warpSize;
  int warp = threadIdx.x / warpSize;
  // Will hold results of all warps.
  // Each lane of the warp accumulates across 1 head element at a time.
  // NOTE: Assumes warpSize is 32
  __shared__ float sm[32];
  if (lane == 0) sm[warp] = v;
  return lane < blockDim.x / warpSize ? sm[lane] : def;

template <typename T>
void matmul_wide(const T* A, const float* x, int n, int d, float* out) {
  // A (d,n) @ x (n,) -> out (d,)
  // PRECOND: Block is 1-D and contains WPB warps.
  int i = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x) / warpSize;
  if (i >= d) return;
  // Warp j computes sum for row at <blockIdx.x*WPB + j>
  // Lane 0 of each warp will hold result
  int k = threadIdx.x % warpSize;
  float rowSum = matmul_row(&A[n * i], x, k, n);
  // Transpose values so lane k in warp 0 contains row at <blockIdx.x*WPB + k>
  // For WPB=32, this allows us to coalesce 32 float32 writes into a single 128-byte store
  rowSum = blocktranspose(rowSum, 1.0);
  if (threadIdx.x < blockDim.x / warpSize) {
    int block_start_i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x / warpSize;
    out[block_start_i + k] = rowSum;

Profiling this with ncu shows a nearly 10% improvement (from 600 usecs to 550 usecs) on toy matrix dimensions. After adapting the final LM classifier and block fused_matmul_add_residual kernels to use this improved coalescing, we reach 56.1 tok/s throughput:

3.4 Attention and long context generation

One major opportunity for improvement is in long context generations. When generating 5k tokens, our model's average throughput degrades to ~48 tok/s and attention kernels go from ~5% to >10% of runtime. Compare this to llama.cpp and calm, which are able to maintain throughput in the high 50s or greater. What's going on?

With short context lengths, attention is fast - as there are not too many tokens to communicate over - and decoding is instead dominated by other, non-context sensitive operations such as generating the q/k/v vector representations of the input and passing the attention block output through the feedforward network.

The story is different with long contexts. This is constrained with sliding window attention, but as window size approaches hidden dimension, I'd expect attention runtime to approach that of our feedforward network.

More precisely, let's consider how 2 attention operations (computing the attention scores, and using them to mix values) compare to a single matrix multiply from dim to hidden_dim (the feedforward, which in modern architectures is based on a GLU rather than a simple MLP, should effectively contain 3 of these). We have...

In our benchmark, we use Mistral-v0.2 7B with seq_len=4096 and hidden_dim=14336, so we'd expect our FFN matmuls to have roughly 3.5x the runtime of our attention kernels.

We can see that this is about right for attn (our scoring kernel) which takes about ~50 μs vs. ~150 μs for the final FFN matmul:

However, something weird is going on with our att_mix kernel, which is taking ~150 μs, the same amount of time as our FFN matmuls!

Profiling att_mix alone with ncu reveals that the kernel has serious memory bandwidth issues - it only uses 8% of memory throughput!

  att_mix(const float *, const float *, int, int, int, int, int, float *) (32, 128, 1)x(32, 1, 1), Context 1, Stream 7, Device 0, CC 8.6
    Section: GPU Speed Of Light Throughput
    ----------------------- ------------- ------------
    Metric Name               Metric Unit Metric Value
    ----------------------- ------------- ------------
    DRAM Frequency          cycle/nsecond         6.27
    SM Frequency            cycle/nsecond         1.33
    Elapsed Cycles                  cycle      5765045
    Memory Throughput                   %         8.81
    DRAM Throughput                     %         1.68
    Duration                      msecond         4.35
    L1/TEX Cache Throughput             %         5.17
    L2 Cache Throughput                 %         8.81
    SM Active Cycles                cycle   5685841.81
    Compute (SM) Throughput             %         0.47
    ----------------------- ------------- ------------

    WRN   This kernel exhibits low compute throughput and memory bandwidth utilization relative to the peak performance 
          of this device. Achieved compute throughput and/or memory bandwidth below 60.0% of peak typically indicate    
          latency issues. Look at Scheduler Statistics and Warp State Statistics for potential reasons.                                                                                       

What's going on here? First let's review what this kernel is supposed to do, then the kernel code itself.

Below is the naive kernel that we've been using to do this. The idea is to spin up a block for every element out[q, i] that we need to compute. The threads of the block distribute over and mix the range of values vb[:, q//G, i] using a block-stride loop, then combine their results with a block sum reduction (below, we assume every block is the size of a warp so we can use efficient more warp reductions):

inline float warp_reduce_sum(float val) {
  for (int offset = WARP_SIZE / 2; offset > 0; offset /= 2)
    val += __shfl_down_sync(0xffffffff, val, offset);

  return val;

void att_mix(
  const float* vb, // (max_seq_len, n_kv_heads, head_dim) 
  const float* att, // (n_heads, kv_len)
  int head_dim, 
  int n_heads, 
  int n_kv_heads,
  int seq_len, 
  int max_seq_len, 
  float* out // (n_heads, head_dim)
) {
  // PRECOND: blocks are 1-D and blockDim.x == WARP_SIZE
  int h = blockIdx.x;
  int group_size = n_heads / n_kv_heads;
  int g = h / group_size;
  int i = blockIdx.y;
  int offset = threadIdx.x;
  int kv_stride = n_kv_heads * head_dim;
  const float* atth = att + max_seq_len * h;
  const float* vh = vb + head_dim * g;
  float* outh = out + head_dim * h;
  float sum = 0.0;
  for (int t = offset; t < seq_len; t += WARP_SIZE) {
    sum += vh[kv_stride * t + i] * atth[t];
  sum = warp_reduce_sum(sum);
  if (offset == 0) outh[i] = sum;

/* usage */
dim3 tpb;
tpb.x = WARP_SIZE;
dim3 blocks;
blocks.x = n_heads;
blocks.y = head_dim;
att_mix<<<blocks, tpb>>>(
  vb, att, 
  head_dim, n_heads, n_kv_heads, 
  seq_len, max_seq_len, out

Visualized below, we can see one big problem - the threads of each block are not accessing contiguous memory and so cannot coalesce any of their loads!

Here's a first shot at improving the coalescing:

In code:

void att_mix(
  const float* vb,  // (max_seq_len, n_kv_heads, head_dim) 
  const float* att, // (n_heads, kv_len)
  int head_dim, 
  int n_heads, 
  int n_kv_heads,
  int seq_len, 
  int max_seq_len, 
  float* out // (n_heads, head_dim)
) {
  // PRECOND: blocks are 1-D and `out` has been zeroed
  int h = blockIdx.x;
  int group_size = n_heads / n_kv_heads;
  int g = h / group_size;
  int kv_stride = n_kv_heads * head_dim;
  const float* atth = att + max_seq_len * h;
  const float* vh = vb + head_dim * g;
  float* outh = out + head_dim * h;
  int t_per_thread = seq_len / gridDim.y;
  int t_start = blockIdx.y * t_per_thread;
  for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < head_dim; i += blockDim.x) {
    float sum = 0.0;
    for (int t = t_start; t < t_start + t_per_thread; t++) {
      sum += vh[kv_stride * t + i] * atth[t];	
    atomicAdd(&outh[i], sum);

int max_t_per_thread = 256;

dim3 tpb;
tpb.x = warp_size;
dim3 blocks;
blocks.x = c.n_heads;
blocks.y = (kv_len + max_t_per_thread - 1) / max_t_per_thread;
cudaMemset(s.xb2(), 0, c.n_heads * c.head_dim * sizeof(float));
att_mix<<<blocks, tpb>>>(
  vb, s.att(),
  c.head_dim, c.n_heads, c.n_kv_heads, 
  kv_len, c.max_seq_len, s.xb2()

Drawn out, we can see that the threads of each block are now loading contiguous elements of vb with each iteration of their inner loop:

Substituting this kernel speeds things up a lot for both long and (surprisingly) short context generations - we go from ~56 tok/s and ~48 tok/s respectively to ~63 tok/s and ~57 tok/s! Profiles also reveal that att_mix now takes around the same time as attn, as we expect. Unfortunately, long context generations also noticeably degrade in both subjective quality and perplexity (around ~5x increase for one 4000-token text).

As it turns out, the problem is that atomicAdd operations to global memory sneakily don't add very small float values (on the order of 1e-40) as they're considered subnormal values which global atomics always flush to zero. According to this 2013 forum post, this shouldn't happen with atomicAdd ops to shared memory, so here's a re-write of our kernel to accumulate results in block shared memory and write to global memory when finished:

void att_mix(
  const float* vb,  // (max_seq_len, n_kv_heads, head_dim) 
  const float* att, // (n_heads, kv_len)
  int head_dim, 
  int n_heads, 
  int n_kv_heads,
  int seq_len, 
  int max_seq_len, 
  float* out // (n_heads, head_dim)
) {
  // PRECOND: blocks are 2-D (warp_size, t_stride)
  int h = blockIdx.x;
  int group_size = n_heads / n_kv_heads;
  int g = h / group_size;
  int kv_stride = n_kv_heads * head_dim;
  const float* atth = att + max_seq_len * h;
  const float* vh = vb + head_dim * g;
  float* outh = out + head_dim * h;
  int warp_id = threadIdx.y;
  int t_stride = blockDim.y;
  // Capacity 32 since there can be at most 32 warps in a block.
  __shared__ float shared[32];
  for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < head_dim; i += warpSize) {
    if (warp_id == 0) {
      shared[threadIdx.x] = 0;
    float sum = 0.0;
    for (int t = warp_id; t < seq_len; t += t_stride) {
      sum += vh[kv_stride * t + i] * atth[t];	
    atomicAdd(&shared[threadIdx.x], sum);
    if (warp_id == 0) {
      outh[i] = shared[threadIdx.x];
      shared[threadIdx.x] = 0;

dim3 tpb;
tpb.x = warp_size;
tpb.y = min(kv_len, max_threads_per_block / warp_size);
dim3 blocks;
blocks.x = c.n_heads;
att_mix<<<blocks, tpb>>>(
  vb, s.att(),
  c.head_dim, c.n_heads, c.n_kv_heads, 
  kv_len, c.max_seq_len, s.xb2()

This fixes our quality issues while maintaining the same speed at ~63.7 tok/s for a short generation:

This finally gets us past llama.cpp's short generation throughput of 61.0 tok/s (see §1.2)!

3.5 KV quantization and compiler gotchas

This last section is about KV cache quantization, which is a common optimization we haven't done yet, but also about some of the optimizations that the nvcc CUDA compiler does for you automatically, what can happen when they break, and how to fix them. Earlier we saw how automatic vectorization needed to be made explicit when working with FP16 weights in our CPU backend, and as we'll see, switching to an FP16 KV cache will require similar work.

First, a bit about KV cache quantization:

Just switching our KV cache from FP32 to FP16 (while still performing computations in FP32, just like weight quantization) is simple and boils down to replacing float* with half* and inserting the __half2float intrinsic in a few key places: see the code change here. Ensuring that it's performant is another story.

Rather than make things faster, the naive patch above actually causes things to get slower. Long context generations are especially impacted, with throughput down to ~53.6 tok/s from ~57 tok/s, and the att_mix kernel going from 5.5% (29 μs avg.) to a whopping 13.3% of runtime (78 μs).

nsys profile of a long context generation with FP32 KV cache

The same profile with our naive patch switching to FP16 KV cache

An ncu profile on a toy example reveals that memory throughput for the att_mix kernel has gotten much worse, going from ~25.7% of the memory speed of light to ~6.8% and 140 μs to 309 μs. Why? One issue may be that we are simply issuing smaller memory transactions than we previously did in each iteration of our loop. Recall that in att_mix, each thread accumulates a sum over timesteps t like so:

float sum = 0.0;
for (int t = warp_id; t < seq_len; t += t_stride) {
  sum += vh[kv_stride * t + i] * atth[t];	
// atomicAdd `sum` when we're done

vh is now a half-precision array, so loads from it must be converted to FP32 before being used. Our naive patch does this by simply inserting a __half2float call:

float sum = 0.0;
for (int t = warp_id; t < seq_len; t += t_stride) {
  sum += __half2float(vh[kv_stride * t + i]) * atth[t];	
// atomicAdd `sum` when we're done

This results in lower throughput because even though loads are still being coalesced in each warp for each loop iteration, they are coalesced to 32 16-bit loads, or 64 bytes, which is lower than the maximum coalesced transaction size of 128 bytes that can be issued by a warp. We can try recovering this performance by vectorizing the loads into half2 loads like so:

float2 sum01 = make_float2(0.0, 0.0);
for (int t = warp_id; t < seq_len; t += t_stride) {
  float2 v01 = __half22float2(*((half2*)&vh[kv_stride * t + i]));
  float att_t = atth[t];
  // Sadly CUDA does not have float2 SIMD ops
  sum01.x += v01.x * att_t;
  sum01.y += v01.y * att_t;
// atomicAdd both `sum01` lanes when we're done

This attempt (full patch here) improves the throughput somewhat, but it's still worse than the float32 version (188 μs vs. 140 μs, memory throughput 9.8% vs. 25.7%).

What's going on? Our KV cache loads should be coalesced to the same sizes as the FP32 version. The final writes we do are double the size, but reads far outnumber writes, and they should also still be coalesced. For hints, we collect a more detailed ncu profile with -set full and -o report to get a file that we can view in the NCU UI.

With this, we can see a very powerful line-by-line breakdown of the kernel being executed, with relevant stats and the corresponding PTX and SASS instructions per line. In particular we see that the line loading from vb in the FP32 kernel is secretly performing 8 32-bit loads:

...while the corresponding line in the FP16 kernel is performing only 1 32-bit load:

Digging deeper, we can see that the compiled SASS instructions for the FP32 kernel have not only unrolled the loop into 4 iterations (=8 loads) at a time, but are also arranging the load (LDG.E) and arithmetic (FFMA) instructions so that the loads can be prefetched:

The highlighted lines all correspond to the single selected line in the CUDA code above in the FP32 kernel.

Prefetching is a big boost for loops where each iteration loads from global memory and is independent from the results of previous iterations. By unrolling 4 iterations of the loop and re-arranging all loads upfront, the compiler is able to hide the latency of the loads for the latter 3 iterations.

The FP16 kernel SASS does not even unroll any loop iterations, let alone rearrange loads:

So how do we get prefetching in the FP16 kernel? Unfortunately, just adding #pragma unroll to the loop does not cut it (at least on my nvcc and machine setup). We are at the whim of compiler heuristics; they gaveth to our FP32 kernel but now taketh away, and may continue to taketh away unless we instead manually unroll and prefetch values.

Below, we have unrolled into 16 iterations (=32 loads) at a time, with some extra code to handle the iterations modulo 16. We perform a batched prefetchAn even better solution might be to do a rolling prefetch using pipeline instructions. See the NVIDIA blog post linked above for more. where at the start of every 16th iteration, we issue a batch of loads, then retrieve them one-at-a-time until our batch is depleted. The use of scalars instead of an array to hold prefetch results allows us to fetch to registers rather than slower shared memory:

float2 sum01 = make_float2(0.0, 0.0);
constexpr int UNROLL = 16;
half2 v01_0; float att_0; 
half2 v01_1; float att_1; 
half2 v01_2; float att_2; 
/* ... SNIP ... */
half2 v01_15; float att_15;
int t = warp_id;
for (int ctr = 0; ctr < seq_len / t_stride; t += t_stride, ctr++) {
  int ctr_mod = ctr % UNROLL;
  if (ctr_mod == 0) {
    // prefetch every UNROLL iterations
    #define PREFETCH(j) \
      v01_##j = *((half2*)&vh[kv_stride * (t + j*t_stride) + i]); \
      att_##j = atth[t + j*t_stride];
    /* ... SNIP ... */
    #undef PREFETCH
  // pull one value out of prefetch batch
  float2 v01;
  float att_t;
  switch (ctr_mod) {
    #define CASE(j) \
      case j: v01 = __half22float2(v01_##j); att_t = att_##j; break;
    /* ... SNIP ... */
    #undef CASE
  // Sadly CUDA does not have float2 SIMD ops
  sum01.x += v01.x * att_t;
  sum01.y += v01.y * att_t;
// Handle any loop remainder that can't be unrolled
for (; t < seq_len; t += t_stride) {
  float2 v01 = __half22float2(*((half2*)&vh[kv_stride * t + i]));
  float att_t = atth[t];
  sum01.x += v01.x * att_t;
  sum01.y += v01.y * att_t;
// atomicAdd both `sum01` lanes when we're done

The resulting kernel (full code here) finally gets us the expected wins, getting ~75 μs vs. ~140 μs for the FP32 kernel in our toy ncu benchmark. And long context generations get faster as expected, from just over 57 tok/s to 58.8 tok/s. To top it all off, here's a video of short context generation, where we get over 63.8 tok/s:

With this patch, we're now neck-and-neck with llama.cpp for long-context generations - at 58.7 tok/s vs. 58.8 tok/s - while handily beating it for short contexts at 63.8 tok/s vs. 61.0 tok/s. Not bad!

4. What's next

Through this post, we've achieved close to state-of-the-art performance for a specific use case: local, completion-only, single-batch, single-GPU inference on one model. We were able to do so with no libraries - just a few major optimizations and a lot of CUDA/C++ elbow grease:

That said, we've only scratched the surface of LLM inference performance. Even in our specific use case there are lots of improvements to be made.

One big opportunity is in the prompt pre-filling phase, where we have an existing sequence, similar to training time. A common optimization here is to use matrix-matrix multiplication instead of matrix-vector to prefill multiple KV cache entries at once; this would improve the time-to-first-token, a metric just as important as raw token throughput for many applications. This also forms the basis of the speculative decoding generation idea, which takes advantage of the fact that pre-filling K tokens is not that much slower than generating a single token.

Another opportunity is to fuse our attention kernels, which the naive implementation split into separate scoring, softmax, and mixing operations. This is essentially what FlashAttention does for training and FlashDecoding does for inference, with some clever insights about the underlying hardware.

I'll also note that we are fast for FP16, but we're not FAST yet. Reaching 100 tok/s on our machine will require us to quantize more aggressively, to smaller data types like FP8, INT8, or INT4, or to quantize activationsThis is often done during training, where we have large batches of activations that must be kept around for gradient computation in all layers. For single-batch inference it is less beneficial especially as we can reuse tensors between layers. and KV cache entries as well as weights. Or to do computations natively in lower precision!

At a low level, there are lots of kernel-specific implementations to be made. Many of the kernels we ended up with still display suboptimal performance, with several having memory throughput of less than 60% of the speed-of-light. Kernel optimization is a huge topic and many of the optimizations we discussed - memory coalescing, vectorization, pre-fetching, etc. - need to be combined in complex ways to really reach peak performance.

Finally, in a production implementation, it's much more practical to use libraries of kernels maintained by experts, which are usually state-of-the-art, like cuDNN kernels and cuBLAS. These libraries have had decades of work go into them and are made by the same folks designing the chips themselves, to the point where even approaching within 5% performance of cuBLAS on specific hardware and use case is considered an achievement. Of course, this route is also usually less fun :)

Thanks to Thariq Shihipar, Jonathan Chan, and Luciano Vinas for reading and giving feedback.


Following is the code used to benchmark huggingface transformers. Note the benchmarked program does not use torch.compile; my attempts to do so following the guide in the HuggingFace LLM optimization docs either did nothing or resulted in worse throughput, despite HuggingFace transformers supposedly supporting the use of torch.compile with Mistral.

import time

from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
import torch

mistral_models_path = "../Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2"

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(mistral_models_path)

model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(mistral_models_path, torch_dtype=torch.float16)"cuda")

# short prompt
model_inputs = tokenizer(["Q: What is the meaning of life?"], return_tensors="pt").to("cuda")

# do a warmup inference
generated_ids = model.generate(**model_inputs, max_new_tokens=1, do_sample=True)[0].tolist()

# benchmark
start_time = time.time() 
generated_ids = model.generate(**model_inputs, max_new_tokens=1000, do_sample=True)[0].tolist()
# decode with mistral tokenizer
result = tokenizer.decode(generated_ids)
end_time = time.time()

elapsed_s = end_time - start_time

num_prompt_tokens = model_inputs["input_ids"].shape[-1]
num_generated_tokens = len(generated_ids) - num_prompt_tokens

print(f"Generation stats:\n" +
      f"  prompt: {num_prompt_tokens} tokens\n" +
      f"  generated: {num_generated_tokens} tokens\n" +
      f"  throughput: {num_generated_tokens/elapsed_s}tok/s\n" +
      f"  latency: {elapsed_s/num_generated_tokens}s/tok\n" +
      f"  total: {elapsed_s}s\n")